Improved the display algorithm of the warning about exceeding the speed limit. New features and improvements: AI system bug fixes: Control system of traffic rules bug fixes: The patch can be used only if you have v1. If you have v1. City Car Driving - Car Driving Simulator, PC Game.
In future we plan to add more languages. Reduced the sound volume of a car engine. Improved shadows rendering algorithm. Shadows are rendered much farther and more detailed nearby. Improved headlights in DirectX 11 mode. Headlights became as bright as in DirectX 9 mode. Other minor graphical improvements. Control system of traffic rules and statistics improvements: Added a new penalty for interference a vehicle moving in passing. Increased fines for various violations of traffic rules. Improved the monitoring of turned on blinker before start driving.
Two of them are with an opportunity of nonlinear walkthrough. Added download city car driving v1.2.5 tips while drive along the route. Added two new languages support: Therefore, currently supported languages download city car driving v1.2.5 EnglishGermanFrenchItalian download city car driving v1.2.5, SpanishPortugueseTurkishChineseJapanese and Czech.
The "City Car Driving v1. A new version 1. Added an ability to set random routes in free driving mode. Routes can be defined as without any limitations set only a destination, and let the navigator pave the download city car driving v1.2.5 route to itand be represented as a small mission with a limited penalty scores for traffic rules violations user can choose what types of violations will be considered - all types of violations or only some types.
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10.08.2017 19:33:35
Converting you into a paying the Big Patch.
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10.08.2017 15:36:11
Language, violence and gore back into action by a sadistic young thug, he hunts down.
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10.08.2017 19:33:35 Converting you into a paying the Big Patch.
10.08.2017 15:36:11 Language, violence and gore back into action by a sadistic young thug, he hunts down.