Download chrome and install

I get this an ERROR with these instructions. I installed using David E. Moore instructions listed below. Not sure if adding the libxss1 helped with Mr Moore's instruction or not but I did do that before.

I'd name it google. The result of this is that Chrome installation didn't fail, but apt-get update now prints a "duplicate sources. Here are the relevant instructions on the Google PPA page. Some of the details are now a bit different and so the above answer should be updated accordingly. If download chrome and install are running a 64 Bit system, then use this: Jorge added this to the accepted answer above. I guess I should of thought of that. Makes the answer more complete now.

Moore and had successful installs. Download chrome and install believe only Chromium is in download chrome and install repository. If you want Google Chrome, just search it in google. If you want Chromium add this ppa: What PPA should be added? If you cannot answer this question now you can delete download chrome and install answer, and gain back 2 rep. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

The error messages mentioned should include something similar to. This installs a needed library for Google Chrome, then downloads the latest version of Chrome to a temporary directory and installs it. Run google-chrome to start the browser. During the installation a PPA is added to your system so that Google Download chrome and install receives the latest updates whenever you check for system updates. If you really want download chrome and install install Chrome not Chromium using apt-get it's possible as explained here:.

This is the same as jrg's reply, but you change the i The past couple of times I have not had to do the install -f. It seems to have all needed after installing. If you want the official Google Chrome build, you have to download it from here: Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

This was on a fresh install on What is the package libxss1 for? Is this still a requirement? Moore 6 This is a great answer to get the standard Google Chrome. If you really want to install Chrome not Chromium using apt-get it's possible as explained here: Well, the problem with this is that when you install Chrome, in theory it'll download chrome and install, because Chrome's postinstall script does this for you I'd say that the name of the file isn't really important not sure about the extension though.

Is the line sudo apt-get install -f really necessary? I think my answer is outdated. I've used the answer above mine at download chrome and install time by Dale E.

Eric Leschinski 10 Should be fine for you. Google Chrome isn't in the repositories - however, Chromium is. Google Chrome is only available for bit Linux. I've included directions for 64 below. To install Google Chrome, run the following: The error messages mentioned should include something similar to google-chrome-stable depends on [lib-example]; however; Package [lib-example] is not installed.

Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled. Use chromium via sudo apt-get install chromium-browser. You said "create a new file under MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Download chrome and install Talent.

How download chrome and install install Chrome browser properly via command download chrome and install I am trying to install chrome browser via command line. But the installation threw errors. Does someone see anything wrong with the commands I issued?

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Responses on “Download chrome and install”

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