Download clash of clans buildingcsv

I believe it should read something like this: Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to download clash of clans building.csv a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community.

Only experienced users with significant bot knowledge should attempt to create new scripts. We have not tested every possible attack, only the ones that are included. Posting a bug without this info will get your post deleted.

You can now make your own custom attack plans without editing any source code! All you need to do is make a simple text file with. Where are CSV attack script files stored? Bot will automatically update the GUI ATTACK Deploy box with your available CSV attack plans when it starts must select scripted attack.

Please be sure to add the date and bot version supported in NOTES section to any attack scripts posted in forums!

How many troops to drop at each drop point. If you specify a range here, the bot will choose a random value between the two numbers you set. How many troops per vector, this is the number of troops per drop point multiplied by the number of drop points.

The MakeIMGCSV will save in profile, both a clean image of base download clash of clans building.csv attacked, and a mapped image. The mapped image shows the red line points, drop points, and building locations required from download clash of clans building.csv plan file. If you enable the BuildingPos variable, you will also see log information of building positions found during search, before CSV executes If building is known from search filter, it is not detected again in CSV.

This tells the bot to wait between and ms. This command will download clash of clans building.csv the bot check the number of remaining troops. Keep in mind that this is one of the slowest functions, which can take up to 10 seconds to complete on slower PCs. Try not to use it too much. There are several debug variables located in the Global Variables. When you download clash of clans building.csv the Download clash of clans building.csv variables, code provides more detailed log information during CSV attack, PLUS a separate log file showing how every line in CSV file was processed.

GOLD, then each gold collector is worth download clash of clans building.csv points. The bot finds which side the building is on and adds 5 points download clash of clans building.csv that side.

At present time, only defense building that can have points added to determine attack side scoring is the Eagle Artillery. Sorry, the GEMBOX can not be attacked. These are place holders for more defense buildings to be added in future. The download clash of clans building.csv command involves calculating the troop drop points.

Look the attached img. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. Primary Secondary Default Brown Banana Lime Aqua Slate Sky Blueberry Grape Watermelon Chocolate Marble. Default Orange Banana Lime Aqua Slate Sky Blueberry Grape Watermelon Chocolate Marble. The "How To" Guides. Forums Forum Rules Download MEmu Bluestacks download clash of clans building.csv. All Content All Content This Topic This Forum Advanced Search.

Register a new account. Sign in Already have an account? Go To Topic Listing The "How To" Guides. Administrator MyBot Developer Super Moderator Moderator Regional Moderator. IPS Theme by IPSFocus.

You can tell the bot to only attack from one side by adding one of these under FORCED SIDE:. Each building's number is its how much ONE of these buildings is worth. For download clash of clans building.csv, if you put 5 under EXTR.

When all buildings have been detected, then the side with the most points is the side the bot will attack from. There is also SIDEB command that allows adding defense buildings are targets.

The next step is telling the bot which side to attack from. This is done download clash of clans building.csv this command:.

Sharing your attack plans! Once you have made and perfected your attack, please share it here: You will also find sub-forums in same location for support and discussion if you need help creating attack plans. I'm looking forward to see new lavaloonion, gowipe etc. You can create yours with this. You can make an attack like the way you like with this one Don't forget to share your custom csv files in CSV Attack Files forum. Don't be a leecher, sharing is always good. And here is all of the troop names for you.

Sign In Sign Up. We have banned ALL telegram links and other verified malicious links we have come across already. Please report ANY suspicious links to MyBot Staff or pm me directly. Working with SC May 22 game update! May 5, MyBot Developer 1, 4, posts ID: If text is too complicated, Here is list of names: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites.

Don't know if are they necessary. You have to test them in search. Don't worry it won't attack to base. Can you add wall breakers to the DE side script? Sir can i have a video tutorial for Th snipe only becouse i really really did not understand xD so any one can help me? I have been doing some testing of the CSV, I think your tutorial is mis-worded, at least the way I read it.

You have to use short names on the left in CSV files. I also want to share how to make debug, its the way I use for debugging. Devs correct if I'm wrong. I've make it like this because I also want to test deadbase and townhall.

Remember, this does not deploy troops. It simply calculates troop drop positions. These positions will be used later. You use the MAKE command like this:. You can use this image to help you visualize the following instructions: Drop commands actually drop troops. It uses the vectors you created in step 3 to determine where to drop the troops.

Register now to gain access to all of our forums and to download the latest version of MyBot for Clash of Clans. Once registered, you will be able to download our FREE bot. Started by zengzengJanuary 16, This feature is still in beta state and may have bugs!

Can also manually refresh the attack plan list with green "reload" button. How do I use CSV attack script file? View an attack made with this feature below. Yes, I know this isn't a great attack. This is just to demonstrate what can be done with custom attack. At the beginning of each file, you should have some notes that tell the bot what to display when your attack file is selected, like the author, date, and a brief description of your attack.

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